Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Omak Suicide Race Kills Animals and People

Of the many rationalizations for this race, its description as "spiritual" by its defenders is the stuff of which delusion is made. It is not spiritual, or if you prefer, sacred, to put either horses or their riders into a terrain so steep and so rough that a death or injury is just about guaranteed. It is not sacred to make animals gallop so fast down the steeply pitched slope that they tumble over themselves and break their backs, or their riders die from being thrown. It certainly does not speak to things of the spirit for the townspeople to keep this horrific spectacle going year after year because they're making money. To read about the Suicide Race, go to this article: http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB118678342614494614-M49PZaSriaBsYASGQhdKeSlj5OU_20080810.html?mod=rss_free .

If you can stand to see a taste of it, watch the video here:

Go to my Protecting Horses page to read my article.

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