The Franklin Marriott Cool Springs Convention Center in Franklin, Tennessee, is again hosting the scrumptious Killer Nashville conference next week, August 20-22. Scrumptious, that is, in terms of its rich variety of offerings for writer and fan alike, and the sheer fun of going. You can solve the mystery of the annual dead body and win a free Killer Nashville for next year; buy a wide selection of books from the bookstores and/or their authors; get your manuscript critiqued; and learn how to write knockout dialogue. Above all, you can revel in being with people who share your love of mysteries. I promise you there is so much to do that you'll be sorry the conference doesn't last longer. There are more than forty separate seminars, workshops, lectures, and presentations.
Of great interest to CSI or Law and Order buffs like me, those who are fascinated with police procedure or gathering real facts for a novel, look for the fourteen seminars on forensics. Presented by experts in psychology, medicine, and law enforcement, these sessions provide in-depth information about forensic science, criminal psychology, investigative techniques, and firearms.
And if you come, please look me up! I'll be moderating an unusual panel on Friday, August 20, "Grow Old Along With Me: The Aging of Series Protagonists." It will be at 4:00 PM. And on Saturday, August 21 at 8:30 AM, join our group in discussing the Father of American Detective Fiction. That fellow above. Look for "Edgar Allan Poe: Dark Inspiration" in your schedule of events.
Killer Nashville has a number of special rates and discounts, including discounts for seniors, teachers, and full-time students. Special hotel discounts are available to conference attendees. If you'd like to know more, go to http://www.killernashville.com.
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